Defend Your Access to the Pap and HPV Co-Test

It could be a matter of life or death.

Add your name in support of Pap and HPV co-testing:

Recent Signatories

Emma Trickett Patsy Arguello Beth Rodriguez Kaya Kinjo Suzy Freeman Sussan Farhad Maya O'Sullivan Jessica Ng Claudia Persse Alicia Jones Francesca Diaz Mia Blanchard Kimberly Gardner Lucille Cerda Amanda Corwin Shiela Diaz Diana Takenaka Ann Wright Mariam Hughes Michelle Franks Dana Ardehali Connie Baker Kristi Parrish Cassie Chapman Shari Holloway Di Littlefield Rachel Cao Evaline Roste Patricia Young Sara Goslin

Every hour, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with cervical cancer.1

The most successful method for early detection is the Pap and HPV Co-test, which has caught thousands of cancers in their early stages, including irregularities that were missed by the HPV test alone.

But new regulations could end universal access to the Pap test and put countless lives at risk.

Add your name to support universal access to the Pap and HPV Co-test, which has the best possible chance of catching cervical cancer early.


1 in 5 cervical cancer cases are missed due to incomplete testing.

When you choose 2 tests, you choose not to be that 1.


The Pap and HPV Co-test has the best chance of catching cervical cancer early, including:


of cervical cancers


of cervical pre-cancers


of cancers missed by the HPV test alone

Combining the Pap and HPV tests offers women
the comprehensive testing they need.


Cervical cancer used to be the number one killer of women. The Pap changed that.


Cervical cancer was once the number one killer of women, but since the introduction of the Pap test, that has dropped to fifteen.

We shouldn’t walk back the progress that we’ve made. Women’s lives depend on it. Sign our petition to protect your right to the Pap and HPV Co-test.