“I’ve been thinking about self-care a lot lately— as the semester hits peak stress levels, it seems like everything gets put on the back burner so I can practice piano/write my thesis/workworkwork. I like to unwind with knitting, music, and spending time with friends, but sometimes taking care of yourself means checking up on your physical health as well. Cervical cancer was once the number one cancer-related killer of people with cervixes, but since the introduction of the Pap test, that number has dropped to fifteen. The combined Pap and HPV Co-test is recognized as the most successful methods for early detection. Co-testing has caught thousands of cancers in their early stages, often identifying irregularities that the HPV test alone has missed.”

Reminder: Check Up On Your Physical Health!
Life gets busy… its easy to get overwhelmed with responsibilities and to forget about taking care of your health. Still, it’s important that you take time to care of yourself. Like Ashley, engaging in your hobbies and spending time with loved ones is a great way to practice self-care. However, self-care also means protecting your body from diseases and illness by regularly visiting your doctor to stay up to date on preventitive screenings.